St. Thomas More faculty includes 33 full-time classroom teachers who are certified in their field. We also have two full-time health/physical education teachers as well as a full-time in media studies, art, and STEM. We have two part-time music teachers, and two part-time technology teachers. To provide support and extended learning, we have three full-time and one part-time learning specialist teachers. We also have two full-time guidance counselors who teach character development classes as well as provide guidance to our students. We have a nurse on-site for the entire school day, every day of the week.
All of our STM teachers have their BA or BS and have been awarded degrees in Elementary Education, History, English, Math, Science, Art, Health and Physical Education, and Psychology. During their educational careers, many teachers have been on the Dean’s List, graduated Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude, awarded high honors, named MVP, and inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Almost 75% of teachers either have their Master’s Degree or are pursuing their Master’s Degree.
Many teachers have been nominated or received teaching awards throughout their career. Some of the awards have been:
Who’s Who in American Education
College of Education Student Teaching Award
Golden Flask Award for Outstanding Contribution to Science Education
Teacher of the Year
Golden Apple Award
Outstanding Educator Award.