Homework is an important complement to teachers’ classroom instructional activities. It is designed to reinforce skills, prepare for
future instructional activities, and assist students in developing personal responsibility. Homework is 10% of the trimester grade and is assigned with purpose to reinforce skills and prepare for future instructional activities. Parents and students will be informed of the teacher’s grading procedures at the beginning of the school year. STM guidelines suggest that the amount of time required for homework average 10-15 minutes times the grade level. Grade level teams will coordinate to ensure that homework time, as well as test preparation time, is reasonable.
When students fail to do their homework, the following procedures will be followed:
The teacher will note the missing homework according to his/her grading procedures.
When the teacher determines that missing homework has become a serious problem, the teacher will notify the parent.
If the problem persists, the teacher and/or parent will confer with the Learning Specialist to create a plan for intervention.