St. Thomas More Preschool is a safe, loving, and nurturing preschool for children two, three, four, and five years old. In addition to placing a strong emphasis on emergent literacy and numeracy, our curriculum includes music and movement, art, field trips, parent conferences, and outdoor activities. These embedded academics are all incorporated into our activities and playtime! Our curriculum is age, individually, and developmentally appropriate within an atmosphere of love and encouragement. We embrace all religions and cultures; all children are welcome.
Our Philosophy & Vision
We believe that all children should have a safe, loving, nurturing environment where they will learn at their own developmental levels.
We are dedicated to the ideal that each child is unique, and through our encouragement, will grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. As role models to the children, the teachers reinforce the positive goals, values, and attitudes of the home. In addition to a strong emphasis on emergent literacy and numeracy, our curriculum includes music, art, gym, field trips, parent conferences, and outdoor play. these embedded academics are all incorporated into our PLAY! The preschool years are a time for exploring our world and ourselves, fostering creativity and wonder, and developing a strong love and desire for learning.
Preschool Programs
2-Year-Old Program
Each child is nurtured in a loving environment that provides opportunities for socialization, sharing, fine and gross motor skill development, while encouraging emergent foundational communication skills. Art, music, story time and outdoor play are incorporated into the learning experience. This program is a two hour class offered one and two days a week. Please see program class schedule and pricing insert for more information.
3-Year-Old, 4-Year-Old, and Pre-K Programs
Teachers developed curriculum to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences for each child to build friendship skills, develop problem-solving and creative thinking, and strengthen self regulation and attention span. Each child experiences hands-on learning through play focusing on the following developmental domains: social-emotional, physical, language and literacy, math, science, social studies, and creative development. We offer a variety of half and full day class options.
Lunch Bunch Program
This program begins in October and is for 3 year old AM students who are already acclimated to the morning class routine and structure and able to sit during the entire lunch. Discussion with your child’s teacher may be helpful in determining their readiness for this program. Registration is on a weekly basis.
Enrichment Program
This program has a fall and a spring session. You may register your child for one or both sessions. It is for children attending the AM 4 year old class or the AM PreK class who are interested in exploration through science themed topics.
Age Requirements
2-Year-Old Program: Children two years of age by September 1 are eligible for enrollment. Toilet training is not required.
3-Year-Old Program: Children three years of age by October 15 and toilet trained, are eligible for enrollment.
4-Year-Old Program: Children four years of age by October 15or those who have attended a 3-Year-Old program are eligible
for enrollment. -
Pre-K Program: Children who have previous nursery school experience and have a teacher recommendation are eligible
for enrollment. It is important for all full day students to be completely independent with regard to toileting practices.
You will be asked to provide a contact person to return to school in case of a toileting accident.
Screening Process
A questionnaire with pertinent information about your family and your child will be completed with the registration form via Sapphire.
A short screening may take place to observe specific behaviors, motor skills, etc. When all necessary paperwork is submitted, registration fee is paid, and the screening process is completed, you will receive notification of acceptance into the program.
How to Apply — The Registration Process
2-Year-Old Program Fee: $35.00
3, 4, and Pre-K Programs’ Fee: $100.00
Extended Care Fee: $10.00
Enrichment Fee: $25
(The application fee must be submitted when the application form is completed online. All application fees are non-refundable.)
Current Students:
Children currently attending St. Thomas More Preschool, and their siblings may register after conferences in February.
New Students:
Registration for new students will begin at our Preschool Open House in early March. You and your child will have an opportunity to tour classrooms and meet with teachers to discuss placement for your child. At this time, we will discuss the age-appropriate classroom options. To secure your child’s registration, the following items will need to be received:
• Completed registration form
• Registration fee
We also require a completed Child Health Assessment from your doctor and an immunization record prior to the first day of school.
Tuition Policy
All payments will be made via STS. Each family will need to create an account when your child is accepted into the program. You will receive the informational steps on how to complete that process via Sapphire. Your total tuition will need to be received within a 10 month period. You will have the option to pay monthly or in full via STS. The first payment will begin in August and the last payment will be received in May. No credit is given for absence or prolonged vacation during the year or for conditions beyond our control, such as a power failure, snow or ice storm, or other inclement weather. Should it be necessary to withdraw your child from the program, notice must be given to the school at least 30 days prior to your child’s last day of classes. Tuition is due for this 30 day period.
Extended Care Program
The Before Care program begins at 6:30am and the After Care program ends at 5:30pm. Please indicate on the registration form what days/times your child will need Extended Care. Extended Care is available to students enrolled in our 3, 4, and Pre-K Programs. Parents may use extended care as needed.
Cost: $10.00 per hour/per child billed to the quarter hour. Payments are due biweekly.
Details such as beginning and ending dates, specific class schedule, etc. will be provided at the Orientation. Each family will receive a
St. Thomas More Preschool Handbook via Sapphire.
Preschool FAQs
Does the STM Preschool Program incorporate faith into the curriculum?
Teachers provide a faith-based environment where they model respect, kindness and empathy for themselves and others.
We show gratitude through prayer for special gifts we receive throughout the year. We welcome children of all faiths.
Our students have opportunities to work with older students on activities and special events during the school year.
How will I know that my child is progressing in his/her learning?
Communication between the teacher and parent is essential. The teacher observes and documents your child’s skill abilities. These skill assessments are shared with you throughout the year and discussed at a scheduled conference in the spring. Teachers are available to discuss concerns after classroom hours throughout the year.
Special Events
• Fire Safety Prevention Program presented by The Western Salisbury Fire Department
• Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
• Thanksgiving Celebration
• 4-Year-Old and Pre-K Christmas Program
• Santa’s Workshop by STM 8th Grade
• 3-Year-Old Parent Sing-along and Family Fun Day
• End of Year Programs
For more information, please contact Maggi Fink, Director of Advancement & Development at 610-432-0396.